Web Advent Calendar 2024

Divide select dropdowns

Select dropdowns in online forms can be quite lengthy. But there are ways to structure them.

My approach from the past, using options with ”-------” as label, does not qualify as a proper solution.

Solution 1: You are allowed to put hr inside select

Yes, it’s true. This is valid HTML:

  <option>Red Pandas</option>
  <option>Sugar Gliders</option>
  <option>Fennec Foxes</option>
  <option>Arctic Fox Cubs</option>
  <option>Scottish Highland Cows</option>
  <option>Sea Otters</option>
  <option>Pygmy Hippos</option>

According to the HTML specs of hr, this is valid. The w3c validator, however, reports an error for that. 🧐

Solution 2: Put select options into groups

There is an optgroup tag, which enables you to group your options. The browser UI displays them nested nicely.

  <optgroup label="Woodland/Forest Cuties">
    <option>Red Pandas</option>
    <option>Sugar Gliders</option>
    <option>Fennec Foxes</option>
  <optgroup label="Arctic/Cold Weather Champions">
    <option>Arctic Fox Cubs</option>
    <option>Scottish Highland Cows</option>
    <option>Sea Otters</option>
  <optgroup label="Unique & Unusual Cuties:">
    <option>Pygmy Hippos</option>

Bonus: You can disable optgroups

  <optgroup label="Woodland/Forest Cuties">
    <option>Red Pandas</option>
    <option>Sugar Gliders</option>
    <option>Fennec Foxes</option>
  <optgroup label="Arctic/Cold Weather Champions">
    <option>Arctic Fox Cubs</option>
    <option>Scottish Highland Cows</option>
    <option>Sea Otters</option>
  <optgroup label="Unique & Unusual Cuties:" disabled>
    <option>Pygmy Hippos</option>